Tree maintenance

City of Adelaide's Horticulture team maintain trees in streets, Park Lands and non-private property in Adelaide and North Adelaide.

We are committed to protecting trees and manage them to keep them in a healthy and safe condition.

All trees are inspected and pruned as part of our ongoing maintenance program, and as required.

Tree requests

We also investigate reports of tree issues on City of Adelaide land.

Requests we will inspect and may work on include:

  • tree trimming
  • leaves on roads and footpaths.
  • pruning requests on non-private property
  • tree removal on non-private property
  • tree plantings on non-private property
  • storm damage and debris on bike paths

Council will inspect private property if a tree or branch has fallen from City of Adelaide land.

What we will not do

City of Adelaide will not investigate reports of tree issues on private property.

We will not:

  • remove healthy, stable and viable trees
  • remove or prune trees to improve your view
  • remove or prune trees shading lawn
  • remove or prune trees to reduce leaf fall, fruit fall or bird droppings
  • clean out gutters or prune for debris in gutters
  • remove leaves from street trees on private property

How to report a tree issue

If you see a fallen tree or fallen or hanging branch that is a safety risk to the public, please call us as soon as possible on (08) 8203 7203.

The best ways to report a tree issue are:

  1. using our online report a tree or Park Lands maintenance issue form
  2. calling the Customer Centre on (08) 8203 7203
  3. in person at our Customer Centre

What we need to know

To investigate tree or Park Lands maintenance reports we need:

  • full address or detailed location
  • as much information as possible about the issue
  • photos of the issue

In case we need more information we will also collect your:

  • name
  • email address
  • phone number.

What happens next

We aim to inspect or undertake work on non-urgent reports within six weeks.

Some work may fall into our maintenance or regular work and will be scheduled accordingly.

We will not contact you with the outcome of the inspection.

More information

If you have any questions about tree maintenance, please contact the Customer Centre: