Precinct groups
The City of Adelaide currently provides financial assistance to seven incorporated associations across Adelaide and North Adelaide.
The funding support activities that deliver economic outcomes in the main streets and districts. In addition, the business groups have a single point of contact within Council to help them.
David Bolton, President
PO Box 6733 Halifax St, Adelaide SA 5000
Andrew Peters, Coordinator
PO Box 6733 Halifax St, Adelaide SA 5000
Frank Hannon-Tan, President
Julie Moralee, Vice-President/Co-ordinator
PO Box 354, Rundle Mall SA 5000
Wayne Chao, President
Gouger Street Traders Association, 105G Gouger Street, Adelaide SA 5000
Yong Gao, Treasurer/Coordinator
Gouger Street Traders Association, 105G Gouger Street, Adelaide SA 5000
Ivan Oulianoff, President
PO Box 10458, Adelaide Mail Centre Gouger Street, Adelaide SA 500
Yvonne Merendi, Coordinator
PO Box 10458, Adelaide Mail Centre Gouger Street, Adelaide SA 5000
Valdis Dunis, President
PO Box 112 North Adelaide SA 5006
Dannielle McBeath, Coordinator
PO Box 112, North Adelaide SA 5006