Green Waste and Mulch Centre

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Location and opening hours

Green Waste Recycling & Mulch Centre

War Memorial Drive, North Adelaide SA 5006, Australia. Get directions.

Opening hours

Tuesday to Friday  7:30 am to 3:00 pm
9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Closed on Sundays, Mondays and public holidays.

Our Green Waste and Mulch Centre is open!

Have you got organic material to drop off? Is your garden in need of quality mulch and compost?

The City of Adelaide‘s Green Waste Recycling and Mulch Centre is available to City of Adelaide residents as well as members of the public and is conveniently located at the eastern end of War Memorial Drive, a one-minute drive from the Bundeys Road corner.

Can't make it to the centre? Our team can bring our mulch to you.

Get in touch with us today to schedule a delivery, and have mulch or compost delivered straight to your driveway.

Please note that the centre accepts card payment only, no cash.

Our Mulch range

We also accept green waste

The City of Adelaide allows ratepaying residents to dispose of up to four loads of green waste at no cost per year. You just need to show your current rates notice and identification.

For non-city residents the following fees apply:

Load/trailer sizeCharge (prices include GST)
City of Adelaide Residents (4 loads per year)Free when a current rates notice and identification are produced
6 x 4 TrailerLevel $43.00 / Raised $53.00 / Caged $62.00
7 x 5 Trailer and above minimum chargeLevel $53.00 / Raised $62.00 / Caged $70.00
All large trucks and trailers$22/m³
TrucksChip $70 / Chip & Logs $80 / Logs $90 

Please note the Centre is not licensed to accept the following materials: 

  • asbestos
  • Copper Chrome Arsenate (CCA) Treated timber
  • chemicals
  • electronic materials (E-waste)
  • construction waste
  • general waste
  • Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF)
  • plastic
  • soil/fill

              Need more information?

              If you have any questions regarding green waste dumping, or purchase of mulch, please contact the centre during opening hours: