
Helping others is one of the strongest predictors of increased happiness and health, it boosts life satisfaction, meaning, life span and mood. It can be as simple as helping a friend, sharing a smile, your expertise or something you have grown. Look out, as well as in. Seeing yourself and your happiness, linked to the wider community can be incredibly rewarding and will create connections with the people around you.

Wellbeing month give icon

A few ways you can give to others include:

  • Help a neighbour or friend with some odd jobs
  • Give up some of your time to volunteer with Volunteering SA
  • Learn about and participate in the City's Circular Economy
  • Give some produce from your garden to family, co-workers, friends, or neighbours
  • Volunteering at a community event
  • Learn more about giving blood through Australian Red Cross Lifeblood

Tips and Resources

  • 47% of international students volunteer! Volunteer to support an international student in Talk with a Local. 

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