Exercise programs for older residents
No matter your fitness level, we have an exercise program to suit you.
There are many benefits of exercise for older residents. For the individual it means:
- an increase in fitness and flexibility
- reduce the risk of illness and major diseases
- helps to strengthen bones
- provides mental stimulation, reducing the risk of dementia
- reduce the risk of falls
- provides a method of socialising, helping to reduce loneliness and depression while increasing confidence.
The City of Adelaide recognises these benefits and provides a range of low-cost, low-impact, exercise programs developed especially with older residents in mind. These are available through the Community Centres located across Adelaide and North Adelaide.
Please note: we highly recommend you consult your doctor before commencing any physical activity program.
“The first year I was hopeless,” said Meirwen. “I couldn’t lift my legs high at all. But recently I could do all the exercises the doctor told me: legs out straight, push against this, push against that. He said, ‘You’re pretty strong, aren’t you?’ I can walk all the way from the dental clinic to my house with my walker and my kids say, ‘How on earth …?’ It’s because of the fitness classes!”
Meirwen, 92, exercise class participant
Need more information?
Please contact the relevant Community Centre:
Minor Works Building Community Centre – 8203 7801
Box Factory Community Centre – 8203 7749
North Adelaide Community Centre – 8203 7811