Tenancy information schedule
Every year, the Council's valuers seek information from ratepayers for two important purposes.
- Preparing the annual property valuation for the upcoming financial year.
- Maintaining an accurate Voters Roll.
This request aligns with Section 168 of the Local Government Act 1999.
The information you provide plays a crucial role in helping the Council conduct a timely and precise valuation of your property.
Additionally, it ensures accurate voting entitlements for all occupiers.
City of Adelaide relies on property owners and occupiers to supply information for maintaining an up-to-date property database.
The information is requested in accordance with the Valuation of Land Act 1971.
City of Adelaide is committed to maintaining a culture that respects an individual’s right to privacy.
For more information, please visit our privacy policy.
Frequently asked questions
The University of Adelaide website will load if you have entered your unique link into the search area of your browser.
If you are trying to access your unique link via a desktop computer, please enter the link directly into the address bar at the top of your browser as shown below.

Look for https at the start of the URL to ensure you are entering the link into the correct place.
If you need assistance, please contact us on 1300 821 055 or email [email protected].
The survey is designed to work in different browsers on different devices.
We recommend using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browsers.
If the webpage is not working correctly, please contact us on 1300 821 055 or email [email protected] and we will assist you.
We are requesting the rental information for your property to assist with making timely and accurate valuations, and ensuring the impact of current market conditions are properly considered.
The online survey replaces the previous paper mail out process. If you would prefer a hard copy of the survey, please contact us on 1300 821 055 or email [email protected].
No. Once the assessment number and property address are confirmed in the survey, after selecting the option “Owner Occupied”, you will be directed to the end of questionnaire.
If the property has been vacant for longer than 12 months an abbreviated version of the survey will be shown.
Please enter the details of the previous lease if the property has been vacant for less than 12 months.
Please complete the fields you can.
The survey is designed to move past a question should the answer be unknown or not applicable.
Current rental amount and lease commencement date are the most important details.
The information is relevant as we value the properties using the capitalisation of net income approach.
We derive a property’s valuation based on the rental potential of the property.
You may have received the survey in error. Please disregard the request and advise us on 1300 821 055 or by emailing [email protected]
We prefer that the survey is completed within 15 business days of receipt.
If you require additional time, please contact us and we can provide an extension.
Gross: Landlord pays all expenses (rates, land tax, levies, maintenance, insurances, etc).
Net: Tenant pays for most expenses (rates, levies, maintenance, insurances, etc).
The survey is designed for single occupancies.
If different portions of the property have been separately let or if our property description doesn’t properly match what has been let, please contact us.
Alternatively, you can upload the tenancy schedule and provide appropriate comments at the end of the survey or email [email protected].
Agents can provide us with tenancy schedules and this will be sufficient for our data entry.
Excel files are preferable but PDF or print outs posted to GPO Box 2252, Adelaide SA 5001 are also acceptable.
Emails can be sent to [email protected] or please contact us on 1300 821 055.