
The sharing of religious or moral views.

Groups or individuals may preach religious or moral beliefs within public areas of the city and North Adelaide, however they must first apply for an On-street activity permit.

What is regarded as preaching?

For the purpose of a City of Adelaide On-street activity permit the following definition applies:

Preaching - to proclaim, advocate or impress asserted religious or moral truth and right conduct in speech or in writing or to convert or recruit a person.

Preachers must not convey any kind of communication (whether verbally or in writing) or engage in any other behaviour that could reasonably be expected to:

  • be perceived as expressing contempt, disapproval, vilification of, or as an affront to the dignity of a person or group on the basis of their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, colour, gender or sexual identity; or
  • disturb, or give rise to disturbance, of the public peace.

Who can apply?

Any group or individual can apply for an On-street activity to preach within the City of Adelaide boundaries.

Where can I preach?

Various public areas within the city and North Adelaide can be used for preaching.

Please note the following locations are not covered under a City of Adelaide permit as they fall within the jurisdiction of other authorities:

    Conditions of approval

    The On-Street Activities Operating Guidelines detail the principles and conditions for preaching permits which includes:

    • all individuals involved (to a maximum of four) must be noted on the permit
    • the activities are permitted within the hours of 10:00 am and 10:00 pm daily 
    • a maximum of 30 minutes is allowed in one location and each location can only be used once a day
    • a distance of 50 metres must be maintained from the previous location used and from any other activity including buskers, events or promotions
    • obtaining written authorisation from the City of Adelaide before using signage, staging, podiums or structures (e.g. tables and chairs) or handing out literature
    • if in Rundle Mall, the activity must be conducted within 2 metres of the centre of the Mall.


    The permit costs for On-street activities such as preaching can be found in the City of Adelaide's fees and charges schedule

    Fees are based on the area used for your activity. 

    Use our permit fee calculator to estimate your fees before applying. (Please note that 1 person = 2 square metres)


    Fee calculator


    Activity typeActivityFee
    Community activation2 people preaching in a public space for 5 days$6.50

    Ready to apply for a permit?

    An application for an On-street activity permit can be easily made online. 

    Before you start, please have the following handy as you will need to submit:

    • an example of any material to be handed out
    • a Certificate of Currency of your Public Liability Insurance with a minimum cover of $20 million and noting City of Adelaide as an interested party
    • a form of government issued identification such as Drivers Licence, Passport or student card for all people noted on the application (maximum of four people).

    Apply for an On-street activity permit

    Need more information?

    If you have any questions regarding On-street activities permits please contact us:

    25 Pirie Street, Adelaide

    8203 7203

    send an email