Strategies, plans & policies directory

This policy ensures the City of Adelaide is accountable and transparent in its processes when considering the Disposal and Acquisition of Land and Assets.
The Active City Strategy contains a series of strategies aimed at achieving four key outcomes over a 10 year period; ‘great spaces to be physically active’, ‘financially sustainable facilities’, ‘people choose to be physically active in the City’ and ‘community led sports opportunities’.
The Adelaide Central Market Authority Charter establishes the Authority subsidiary pursuant to Section 42 of the Local Government Act 1999.
The Adelaide City Corporation Award is a consolidated version of an award of the South Australian Employment Tribunal.
The Adelaide Economic Development Agency Charter establishes the Authority subsidiary pursuant to Section 42 of the Local Government Act 1999.
The Adelaide Events Guidelines provides a management framework for hosting events in the city.
This Heritage Management Plan was commissioned by the City of Adelaide and addresses the Adelaide Park Lands and City Layout located in South Australia.
The Adelaide Park Lands Authority Charter establishes the Authority as required under the Adelaide Park Lands Act 2005 and sets out its operations.
A register of leases and licences held by third parties over community land.
The purpose of this document is to support, through the granting of leases and licenses, the undertaking of sporting and commercial activities on the Park Lands which underpin their use and activation for both formal and informal recreation.
The Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy is an aspirational document developed by the Adelaide Park Lands Authority, a statutory body established by the Adelaide Park Lands Act 2005, to manage the iconic Park Lands. It has been endorsed by City of Adelaide and now the Minister and the State Government will be asked to endorse the document too.
This document provides a visual representation of leases held over Council's properties in the Park Lands
Visual representation of licences held over the Park Lands
This Infrastructure and Asset Management plan focuses on the management of the City of Adelaide’s property and buildings. This plan specifies the life cycle requirements for effective management, inspection and replacement of this asset group and outlines the financial implications and standards to be adhered to. The Asset Management plan is a tool which combines management, financial, engineering and technical practices to ensure the level of service required by customers is provided at the most economical cost to the community.
This Infrastructure and Asset Management plan focuses on the management of the City of Adelaide’s lighting, electrical and CCTV network. This plan is intended to demonstrate how Council will achieve this outcome by applying the principles of responsible asset management planning.
Asset management plan covering the Park Lands and open space elements including trees, irrigation, landscaped areas.
This Infrastructure and Asset Management plan focuses on the management of the City of Adelaide’s transportation network. This plan specifies the life cycle requirements for effective management, inspection and replacement of this asset group and outlines the financial implications and standards to be adhered to.
This Infrastructure and Asset Management plan focuses on the management of the City of Adelaide’s Urban Elements. This plan specifies the life cycle requirements for effective management, inspection and replacement of this asset group and outlines the financial implications and standards to be adhered to.
This Infrastructure and Asset Management plan focuses on the management of the City of Adelaide’s Torrens Lake assets and stormwater drainage network. This plan specifies the life cycle requirements for effective management, inspection and replacement of this asset group and outlines the financial implications and standards to be adhered to.
This policy sets out the key Corporate Asset Management policies associated with the effective management of the City's assets.
To provide for a permit system, set penalties for breaches of by-laws, provide for certain matters pertaining to liability and evidence, set regulatory requirements, clarify the construction of Council's by-laws and for related purposes.
To protect visual amenity and public safety on roads by setting standards for moveable signs and providing conditions for the design, construction and placement of such signs in a manner which recognises the advertising needs of businesses to maximise economic viability.
For the management of all land vested in or under the care, control and management of the Council.
For the management of roads vested in or under the control of the Council.
For the prevention and suppression of nuisances, obstructions and risks to public health by regulating and controlling the management of public places, kerbside removal of domestic, recyclable and green organic waste from premises, for regulating the management of Council property and otherwise for the good rule and government of the area and for the comfort, convenience and safety of its inhabitants.
A person must not smoke in Rundle Mall or in the vicinity of Rundle Mall.
To limit the number of dogs that can be kept on premises and to provide for the control and management of dogs in the Council area.
To provide for the control and management of cats in the Council area.
For the controlling, licensing, inspecting and regulating of lodging houses
Describes how Council will operate during an election period.
This operating guideline aims to ensure that all relevant City of Adelaide employees, work placement individuals, volunteers, and agency staff are aware of the legislative requirements and their duty of care to provide for the protection, safety and wellbeing of children and vulnerable persons at all times.
The Children & Vulnerable Persons Policy aims to ensure that all relevant City of Adelaide employees, work placement individuals, volunteers, and agency staff are aware of the legislative requirements and their duty of care to provide for the protection, safety and wellbeing of children and vulnerable persons.
This plan sets out the ways the Christmas Festival will grow in its offering and attraction from 2021-2024
This Strategic Plan guides Council’s work in delivering the vision for Adelaide as the most liveable city in the world.
The City Plan is an urban design framework to guide planning for growth within the City of Adelaide to achieve a target population of 50,000 residents by 2036.
This policy outlines Council's approach to delivering community safety compliance and enforcement activities in a fair, balanced and consistent manner.
This operating guideline provides direction for city works to be carried out in the city in a safe and controlled manner in accordance with the City Works guidelines.
The purpose of this Code is to clearly outline to the community how they may access Council and Committee meetings, agendas, and reports as well as information or briefing sessions. In addition, it outlines how public access to Council and Committee meetings or documents may be restricted.
The meeting procedures are intended to summarise the legislation and include any Council specific requirements.
This policy outlines the minimum communication and consultation requirements under the Act that Council is required to comply with and should be read in conjunction with the Community Engagement Strategy and the Administration’s online toolkit, to ensure consistent, meaningful and effective consultation is achieved.
The Local Government Act 1999 requires Council to prepare and adopt Community Land Management Plans for all land owned or under the care and control of the Council (except land which has been exempted)
The Local Government Act 1999 requires Council to prepare and adopt Community Land Management Plans for all land owned or under the care and control of the Council (except land which has been exempted)
The Local Government Act 1999 requires Council to prepare and adopt Community Land Management Plans for all land owned or under the care and control of the Council (except land which has been exempted)
The Local Government Act 1999 requires Council to prepare and adopt Community Land Management Plans for all land owned or under the care and control of the Council (except land which has been exempted)
The Local Government Act 1999 requires Council to maintain a register of all community land.
The Local Government Act 1999 requires Council to prepare and adopt Community Land Management Plans for all land owned or under the care and control of the Council (except land which has been exempted)
The Local Government Act 1999 requires Council to prepare and adopt Community Land Management Plans for all land owned or under the care and control of the Council (except land which has been exempted)
The Local Government Act 1999 requires Council to prepare and adopt Community Land Management Plans for all land owned or under the care and control of the Council (except land which has been exempted)
The Local Government Act 1999 requires Council to prepare and adopt Community Land Management Plans for all land owned or under the care and control of the Council (except land which has been exempted)
This policy and procedure covers all complaints received by the Corporation whatever the source or nature of the complaint.
Provides guidance on the appropriate use of corporate credit cards, and the monitoring and review of transactions.
This document provides guidance on when it is appropriate for City of Adelaide employees to use a Corporate Purchase Card.
The City of Adelaide (Council) seeks to ensure that the payment of Council Members allowances, the reimbursement of expenses and the provision of benefits by the Council is accountable, transparent and in accordance with the City of Adelaide Act 1998 (the CoA Act) the Local Government Act 1999 (the Local Government Act), City of Adelaide (Members Allowances and Benefits) Regulations 2010 (the Allowances Regulations).
This policy has been prepared and adopted by City of Adelaide pursuant to section 75F of the Local Government Act 1999 (SA) (the Local Government Act).
This Policy has been prepared and adopted pursuant to section 262B of the Local Government Act 1999 (the Local Government Act) and is based on the Local Government Association of South Australia’s Model Behavioural Management Policy.
The City of Adelaide is committed to providing training and development activities for its Council Members, including the mandatory training requirements under the Local Government Association (LGA) Training Standards (the Standards), and recognises its responsibility to develop and adopt a policy for this purpose under section 80A of the Local Government Act 1999 (SA) (Local Government Act).
The Cultural Strategy provides the cultural lens for planning, articulating five shared cultural aspirations which constitute our Cultural Lens and outlines the strategies that will bring to fruition Council's commitment to maximising cultural vitality in the City.
The Cultural Roadmap communicates the structure, priorities and aspirations of the Cultural Strategy 2017-2023. The Cultural Roadmap is a quick reference guide to how Council will apply the Cultural Lens to all we do, in order to grow the Cultual Vitality of the City.
As South Australia’s Capital City Council, the City of Adelaide is committed to demonstrating best practice in access and inclusion planning.
As South Australia’s Capital City Council, the City of Adelaide is committed to demonstrating best practice in access and inclusion planning.
The Disability Employment Parking Scheme guides the provision of on-street parking spaces in close proximity to workplaces for working disability permit holders.
The Dog and Cat Management Plan provides the framework to meet statutory responsibilities and the future direction to ensure the health, safety and welfare of domestic animals.
This Strategy sets the direction for the City of Adelaide and its subsidiaries, the Adelaide Economic Development Agency (AEDA), the Adelaide Central Market Authority (ACMA) and the Kadaltilla / Adelaide Park Lands Authority (Kadaltilla).
This Policy provides criteria for managing the different types of encroachments to ensure that they contribute positively but do not impinge on public safety or amenity. In so doing it seeks to provide a fair and balanced approach to the use of public space.
This policy provides the basis for flying flags and banners in several designated locations.
This policy provides clarity on the purpose of Council’s Future Fund and the source of contributions to Council’s Future Fund for reinvestment.
The Heritage Incentives Scheme Operating Guidelines sets out the administrative process and responsibilities for the implementation of the Heritage Incentives Scheme (HIS). This HIS provides financial and other incentives to support owners in the conservation of their heritage places.
The Heritage Strategy 2021 – 2036 and Action Plan guides our long term heritage management for the City.
The Homelessness Strategy sets outs the goals, bold moves and measurable targets for an increased role for the City of Adelaide in homelessness through prevention and early intervention through a community development approach. The Strategy identifies the roles of the three tiers of government and specialist homelessness services.
This Operating Guideline sets out the requirements where Council funds are permitted to be used for the hospitality of Council employees and stakeholders of the Council.
The Housing Strategy sets out the goals and targets for population growth and household diversity. It identifies key levers of change the Council can use to achieve the identified targets, including partnerships, advocacy, and Council programs and projects. The Strategy includes parameters to guide the City of Adelaide when delivering or facilitating residential development projects with the intent to lead by example in affordability and sustainability outcomes, as well as principles for investment.
The Integrated Climate Strategy sets our vision for a resilient, protected and sustainable city.
The Corporation of the City of Adelaide Leisure Services Enterprise Agreement No 8, 2018.
This policy establishes a cohesive framework within which the installation of new lighting, and the upgrade or replacement of existing elements of the City’s lighting infrastructure, will most effectively enhance the City’s quality, consistency and efficiency of night lighting in public places as well as visual appeal, safety and utility.
Adelaide: City of Music: Council's Live Music Action Plan 2017-2020 sets out Council's commitment to our status as a UNESCO City of Music, and four key goals to deliver on this commitment, in partnership with the music industry, governments and city users.
The City of Adelaide’s Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) is a 10 year forecast of Council’s financial performance and position
The City of Adelaide has identified the market district as a once in a lifetime legacy opportunity to help make a great place within the city even better.
This operating guideline informs the way the City of Adelaide considers proposals, assists the delivery of and manages memorials.
The purpose of this Policy is to provide a framework for selecting and adopting new and replacement names for roads.
This policy will ensure that any Council works in the public realm that would impact on heritage values are the subject of heritage assessment and determination by Council.
To optimise the use of on-street space available for parking in a manner that best meets local needs and complements the role of available off-street parking.
One of the functions of the Council is a responsibility to take measures to protect its area from hazards and to improve the amenity of the City. The Council is committed to using the order making powers available to it under the Local Government Act 1999 in such a way as to facilitate a safe and healthy environment and to maintain and improve amenities within the City.
This guideline implements Council’s Temporary Use of Public Space Policy and the principles that guide our approach to activating public space for business purposes.
This Operating Guideline outlines the processes to be followed to ensure the City of Adelaide effectively manages the monitoring and enforcement of private laneways when requested.
To establish a Policy that forms the basis for the practices and procedures of the Council in relation to the collection, use, storage and disclosure of personal information by all Council employees and the Lord Mayor and Councillors.
This operating guideline supports delivery of the Procurement Policy.
This policy is to address the requirements of section 49 of the Local Government Act 1999 (SA) pursuant to which a Council must maintain Procurement policies, practices and procedures that are directed towards obtaining value for money, providing for ethical and fair treatment of participants and ensuring probity, accountability and transparency in Procurement activities.
The Public Art Action Plan aligns with and is guided by the aspirations of the Cultural Strategy 2017-23. It provides clear statements of intent, shared definitions and a future-focused set of deliverables, it is designed to enable and cultivate a collection of inspiring and dynamic public art experiences in the city that enlivens public spaces, showcases creativity, creates a sense of place, and builds Adelaide’s reputation as a globally renown cultural destination.
This operating guideline informs the way the City of Adelaide develops, commissions, delivers and manages public artworks.
The Operating Guideline provides information for a person who wants to make an appropriate disclosure of environment and health information, or public administration information and how Elected Members, Officers and Employees will deal with disclosures.
The objectives of the Public Toilet Guidelines are to ensure a high quality and safer experience for public toilet users, to ensure consistency and quality in the operation and management of public toilets, and to provide planning and decision making tools for commissioning new toilets, decommissioning or upgrading facilities.
This policy is outlines Council’s approach towards rating its community in line with the requirements of the Local Government Act 1999 (SA) (the Act)
The City of Adelaide values its culturally diverse community and is committed to extending the process of Aboriginal reconciliation in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.
The Rymill Park / Murlawirrapurka Master Plan presents the opportunity to build on the park's success as an engaging and activated city destination to attract growing numbers of visitors to the Park Lands.
The Safer City Policy is Council’s framework for creating a safer city. The policy is executed through the Safer City Action Plan 2019-23 and the City of Adelaide Strategic Plan 2016-2020.
This discussion paper updates Council’s Community Safety discussion paper of 2011, reviewing crime and community perceptions of safety data to identify opportunities and challenges.
The Safer City Policy is Council’s framework for creating a safer city. The policy is executed through the Safer City Action Plan 2019-23 and the City of Adelaide Strategic Plan 2016-2020.
The Corporation of the City of Adelaide Salaried Enterprise Agreement 2019.
This guideline describes the steps to be followed in developing and considering a separate rate proposal (including the roles and responsibilities of Council and the Proponent at each step) and in declaring and managing separate rates.
The Smart Move Interim Action Plan provides a bridge between Smart Move 2012 and the City of Adelaide’s commitment to deliver an Adelaide 2040 Plan, which will ultimately direct the development of a new Transport and Movement Strategy. The Interim Action Plan 2016-2018 contains latest information and revised policy directions, and fine-tunes the city’s response to movement and access over the short term.
The Smart Move Transport and Movement Strategy sets directions for creating great streets and places for people; and making the City safer and easier to access for all users.
The intent of this Policy is establishing a system for allocating street numbers in order to facilitate a consistent address format across the Council area, as well as providing for alterations to existing street numbers.
This Policy provides guidance about how public space can be used and activated for both community and business purposes.
Council's Treasury Policy
The Corporation of the City Of Adelaide - UPark Enterprise Agreement No. 8, 2014.
The Corporation of the City of Adelaide Wages Enterprise Agreement No.10.
The new Policy updates Council’s waste management service to support development of an environmentally sustainable and vibrant city and provides for optional ‘enhanced’ services. The Policy offers waste management services to:  Residential premises; Micro and small businesses; and Mixed use developments (comprising both residential and serviced apartments).