Learn to craft stories

Do you have a great story to tell but want help finding your voice? Browse the online resources below or visit the Adelaide City Libraries to learn and access the latest sound and recording technology or attend a one-on-one training session to learn in our Media Lab.

Video: What makes a compelling story

Video: Developing content for radio and podcasting

Other resources

If you have a City of Adelaide Library card you can also access video tutorials and resources from LinkedIn Learning (formally Lynda Library). Not a member? No problem! You can create a Digital Membership online.

Here are some great lessons to get you started:

Speaking Confidently and Effectively

Step-by-Step Guide to Sharing Your Personal Story

Telling a Story to Build a Community

Become a powerful storyteller (linkedin.com)

Crafting stories (linkedin.com)

Speaking with confidence (linkedin.com)

Deliver a great presentation (linkedin.com)

Great speaking skills are a must-have (linkedin.com)

You can also attend free one-on-one training programs at the Adelaide City Libraries Media Lab.

Need more information?

If you have any questions about The AdLib Hour, please contact Adelaide City Libraries: