Wellington Square Footpath and Lighting Renewal
Project status – Complete
Project background
Wellington Square / Kudnartu is one of six public squares in the City of Adelaide. The Square remains as it was originally laid out under Light's plan for Adelaide. Until 1913, palisade fencing surrounded this Square (and the other five Squares in the City) to protect lawns and flower beds from sheep and cows being driven through the city.
The Wellington Square project team worked with the contractor to ensure open space was made available throughout the duration of construction.
What works were undertaken?
The existing lighting poles and underground cabling has been renewed to further improve electrical infrastructure following switchboard renewals in 2022/23.
Asphalt pathways have been removed followed by improvements to the footpath base and adjustments to allow tree growth and reduce damage from root growth.
New asphalt paths have been relayed in the same locations and to the same widths as the existing paths. New timber edging along path edges have provided a significant improvement to the amenity of Wellington Square.
Why were these works planned?
Renewal works were identified as a requirement, including enhanced lighting and improved asphalt pathways throughout the Square, to ensure this valuable site continued to provide residents with a safe and beautiful location to relax and walk through.
Who can I contact if I have a question?
Contact Project Manager, Infrastructure Delivery, Nataleigh Mottau, for enquiries: