Public notification

Public notification is undertaken in accordance with the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 (PDI Act).

The process is part of the assessment for some development applications and gives neighbours and interested parties a chance to view proposal details and comment on an application.

      Applications on public notification

      Visit PlanSA to find applications on public notification.

      View current notified developments

      You can filter applications by address, Council area or Application ID.

      Providing feedback on public notification

      Providing feedback on a public notification is called a representation. 

      Representations can be submitted online on the PlanSA portal or hard copy to Council.

      Understand the application

      Make sure you read through all documentation provided with the application to fully understand potential
      planning impacts.

      Your comments should only relate to planning matters, such as:

      • built form and design
      • visual privacy
      • amenity impacts such as noise and overshadowing
      • land use compatibility.

      Preparing your representation

      Your representation must be submitted through an approved form which can be completed digitally or
      as a printed paper copy. 

      For a representation to be valid, it must:

      • be in writing
      • outline the reasons for the representation
      • include your name and address
      • state if you wish to speak at the Council Assessment Panel (CAP) hearing, where a decision will be made
        about the development.

      Submitting a representation

      After completing your form, you need to provide it to the relevant authority for consideration.

      • If you are submitting your representation digitally, it will automatically be sent to the relevant authority via the Development Application Processing (DAP) system.
      • If you are submitting your representation in hard copy (need manual link to representation form) provide this to the City of Adelaide by post, email or in person.

      Please note, any submission has to be provided to the relevant authority within the notification timeframe. Failure to do so will make the representation invalid.

      The representation on application form is available on the PlanSA portal.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Performance Assessed applications will require public notification, unless the class of development is excluded
      by Table 5 (Procedural Matters) of the relevant Zone.

      Table 5 designates classes of development that are excluded, subject to exclusionary criteria. The classes of development and exclusionary criteria vary depending on the types of development anticipated. If all performance assessed elements are excluded, then notification is not required.

      Generally speaking, the following types of development are subject to notification:

      • Built form on an allotment boundary (exceeding prescribed height and length on the boundary)
      • Exceedance of the maximum building height prescribed
      • Partial or total demolition of a Local and/or State Heritage Place
      • Certain land uses that are not envisaged within a Zone.

      Public notification requirements for Impact Assessed applications differ from Performance Assessed applications.
      These applications are within the authority of the State Planning Commission or Minister.

      Public notification for performance assessed applications will add an additional 30 business days to the assessment timeframe, 15 business days for the consultation period, and 15 business days for an applicant to respond to any representations made.

      Notified applications will be determined by Council Assessment Panel (CAP). This adds an additional 20 business days to assessment timeframe.

      Additional time-frames apply to Impact Assessed development.

      Public notification incurs additional fees over and above standard assessment fees.

      These include:

      • Public Notification Fee $260.00 (to 30 June 2024)
      • Sign on the Land Fee of $180.00* (to 30 June 2024)

      * When an application requires public notification, a sign must be placed on the subject land during the public notification period. You can choose to place the sign on land yourself or pay the relevant authority to do this on your behalf.

      If a performance assessed application requires public notification, you will receive direct notification if you are a landowner or occupier within 60 metres of the development site. The City of Adelaide notifies via letter, posted to registered owners and occupiers. If you are not registered, you may not receive formal notification.

      If you are not directly notified, you can still review and make submission on a development proposal. You can do so
      by either scanning the QR code visible on the sign on the land, or via the PlanSA website.

      Development applications are processed online using the PlanSA portal or Development Assessment Processing
      system (DAP). If you do not know how to use, or have access to a computer, that’s okay – we are here to help.

      Contact the City of Adelaide development assessment team on 8203 7185 to arrange a time to meet with one of our Planners. We can run you though the proposal and provide you with a form if you wish to submit a representation.

      The public notification process provides affected land owners/occupiers and interested parties with a chance to review the proposal and raise any specific concerns about a proposed development. It is the only opportunity to lodge a submission (supporting or opposing the development) during the specified public notification period.

      The substance of a representation should stipulate the reasons for the submission, outline concerns and how these might be overcome (if at all). Submissions should focus on the planning merits of the development proposal.

      Items that cannot be considered as part of a planning assessment include:

      • General dislike for an applicant or developer
      • Neighbourhood grievances or disputes
      • Perceived impacts on property value
      • Requirements under the Fences Act and associated civil disputes
      • Impacts on rights of way and easements
      • Domestic noise such as talking and residential parties.

      If you make a formal submission to a development application, your name and address are mandatory details required for your representation to be valid.

      It is important to know that this information and the substance of your submission will be made available to the applicant. If the application is determined by

      Council’s Assessment Panel, all submissions will be consolidated into a report and attachments and published on
      the City of Adelaide website.

      The City of Adelaide utilises property data when distributing letters to adjacent sites. Letters will be distributed to an owner and registered occupier (if applicable). In the event an occupier is not registered, a generic letter will be sent addressed to ‘the Occupier.’

      If the City of Adelaide has not been provided with current owner or occupier details, there is a risk that letters will be issued with incorrect details or be redirected to the registered occupier.

      In the event public notification has already concluded for an application, there is no opportunity to rectify the issue after the fact. If you are concerned about future notification, please contact the development assessment team on 8203 7185.

      For applicants

      Following the conclusion of the notification period, nominated applicants will receive an email notification. This will detail the number of 'valid' representations received and a timeframe to respond. If no representations were received, the email will advise that no further action is required.

      Learn more about responding to representor submissions

      Before a CAP meeting, applicants and representors are notified of the date, time and place of the meeting. Applicants are afforded an opportunity to make a verbal presentation to the panel after all representors have been heard. Typically, applicants are not able to make a verbal presentation if there are no verbal representations at the meeting. In some cases, panelists may ask technical questions or seek clarification on outstanding matters.

      For representors

      If you submitted a representation, your submission will be provided to the applicant for response.

      • If you nominated to be heard in support of your submission at the CAP meeting, a letter indicating the date, time and place of the meeting and the time for making the verbal presentation will be sent to the representor at least five (5) business days prior to the date of the meeting
      • Every other person who has made a written representation will be notified of the date, time and place of the meeting.

      If a person appears before the CAP to make a verbal presentation, the applicant has an opportunity, on request, to appear personally or by representative before the CAP to respond to any relevant matter.

      After a decision is made, a copy of the Decision Notification Form, including either the conditions of consent or reasons for refusal will be sent to the applicant.

      Visit PlanSA to find out more about decisions and appeals.

      Need more information?

      If you require any further assistance on applications on public notification, please contact Development Assessment: