Community Impact Grants
Program update – July 2024
Only the Quick Response Grants category of the Community Impact Grants and Strategic Partnerships Program will be open in 2024/25.
About the program
The Community Impact Grants Program supports the City of Adelaide Strategic Plan 2024-2028. While it contributes to all areas of the plan, the main focus is on 'Our Community' aspiration of being vibrant, connected and inclusive. The program aims to achieve specific outcomes, including:
- An interesting and engaging place to live, learn and visit.
- An inclusive, equitable and welcoming community where people feel a sense of belonging.
- A sustainable city where climate resilience is embedded in all that we do.
- The status, attributes and character of our green spaces and the Park Lands are protected and strengthened.
- Adelaide’s unique experiences and opportunities attract visitors to our city.
- Encourage bold, interesting and purposeful development that supports the changing needs of our community and city.
- Create safe, inclusive and healthy places for our community.
- Drive affordable, safe and quality housing outcomes that attract and retain residents in our city.
All projects submitted must show clear benefits to the Adelaide community and align with the goals outlined in the Strategic Plan and program guidelines.
Council’s Funding Programs Policy details the framework for how the City of Adelaide provides and manages funding to individuals and organisations applying for support.
Who can apply
Applications will be considered from:
- Individuals
- Organisations or groups who are legally constituted as an incorporated association
- Not-for-profit companies limited by guarantee
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations (under the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act 2006)
- Educational institutions
- Commercial organisations with an annual revenue of less than $250k will be considered when delivering a program outside of their usual business that can demonstrate a significant benefit to the City Community and focuses on community participation rather than expected profit basis.
Applications will not be considered from:
- State or Local Government departments
- Private enterprises
- Commercial organisations with an annual revenue of more than $250k
Funding categories
Funding category | Quick Response Grant | Quick Response Grant - Equipment & Uniform |
Funding available | $500-$2,000 | $500-$1,000 |
Funding pool | $20,000 | $10,000 |
Duration of funding | 1 Year | 1 Year |
Timeframe | One competitive round October/November 2024 | Open and assessed year-round from 1 November 2024 |
Process time | 20 business days | 15 business days |
Examples of projects supported | - Activities, events or programs that encourage residents and community groups to actively participate in their local community - Training, education and accreditation for volunteers, coaches’ officials, and administrators such as first aid training - Subsidies to support participation by vulnerable community groups | - Sporting equipment (e.g. cricket balls and pads) for sports, recreation or community clubs/groups - Sporting uniforms for a new or specific team for sports, recreation or community clubs/groups |
Important dates
Grant | Applications open | Applications close | Applicants notified |
Quick Response Grant | 18 October 2024 | 25 November 2024 | Week commencing 16 December 2024 |
Quick Response Grant - Equipment & uniform | 1 November 2024 | 30 June 2025 | Within 15 business days of submission |
How to apply
Read Council’s Funding Programs Policy which details the framework for how the City of Adelaide provides and manages funding to individuals and organisations applying for support
Read the Community Impact Grant Guidelines in full (translated in Mandarin)
Contact the Coordinator, Grants Program at [email protected] or on (08) 8203 7203
Previously successful grant applicants
Background on funding allocation
On 25 June 2024, Council adopted its 2024/25 Business Plan and Budget (BP&B), with a key focus on budget repair to deliver over $281 million in expenditure to support city growth, investment, vibrancy and city-wide improvements, while protecting our Park Lands and greening our city.
The 2024/25 BP&B includes an allocation of $240,000 for the Community Impact Grants and Strategic Partnerships Program.
$210,000 of this budget is pre-committed to approved multi-year funding agreements to support the delivery of community programs and initiatives across the city in 2024/25. Following the recent adoption of a new City of Adelaide Funding Programs Policy, we will be conducting a review of the Community Impact Grants and Strategic Partnerships Program to ensure alignment with this Policy.
Need more information?
If you have any questions, please contact the Coordinator, Grants Program:
successful applications in 21/22
funding allocated in 21/22
estimated attendees at 21/22 funded events/programs
8 Strategic Partnerships underway
successful applications in 22/23
funding allocated in 22/23
estimated attendees at 22/23 funded events/programs
community infrastructure projects supported