Governance structure
The governance structure of Councils provides a framework which supports open, transparent and informed decision making.
While legislation determines some key elements, there is no “one-size fits all” best practice structure, so each Council has an overall structure that works best for them.
Below is a summary of the current City of Adelaide governance structure.
Council is the primary decision making body for the Corporation of the City of Adelaide.
Council is accountable to the city community for city leadership and strategy development that delivers benefit for all South Australians. Council is also responsible for the delivery of efficient and effective local government services that respond to the community’s needs.
Two ordinary meetings of Council are held per month (except January and December where one meeting will be held each month) to be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, commencing from February 2023
Council Committees
The Council has established committees for the purpose of assisting the Council in the performance of its functions, inquiring into and reporting to the Council on matters within the ambit of the Council’s responsibilities, providing advice to the Council and to exercise, perform or discharge delegated powers, functions or duties of the Council.
The committees are formed under section 41 of the Local Government Act 1999 (SA) and all Council Members are members of the committees.
The City Community Services and Culture Committee is established to make recommendations to Council on strategies, services, policies, and programs that assist Council to create a thriving city that is welcoming and accessible to all and that supports and celebrates its natural and cultural heritage.
The City Community Services and Culture Committee will discuss matters, shape strategy, and make recommendations to Council to assist in the achievement of:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and cultures strongly represented in City life
- A healthy and resilient community
- Community development and quality community services
- Functional zero homelessness
- A safe, affordable, accessible, well-connected city for all
- Community use and access to the Adelaide Park Lands
- Celebration of diverse community, culture and creativity
- Beautiful, surprising places
- New cultural and civic infrastructure
- Protection, preservation, and promotion of our unique built, natural and cultural heritage.
- Global connections and collaborations.
- Housing Policy.
The City Community Services and Culture Committee meets on the first Tuesday of the month (except January and December) in the Colonel Light Room, Adelaide Town Hall at 5.30pm.
View the City Community Services and Culture Committee Terms of Reference.
The City Planning, Development and Business Affairs Committee is established:
- To provide advice to the Council in relation to the strategic development of Councils planning and development policy issues.
- To review and, if necessary, guide the development of a city‐wide economic development strategy and a local heritage strategy and policy.
- To guide and oversee the implementation of major projects within the City.
- To review and consider specific changes to the Development Plan as identified in Council’s Plans and/or as initiated by State Government.
- To advise Council in formulating and delivering appropriate strategies in relation to its strategic property holdings.
- To review as required, relevant legislation affecting Local Government and recommending appropriate course(s) of action.
- To provide advice to the Council relating to the development, endorsement, and implementation of the City Plan.
The City Planning, Development and Business Affairs Committee meets on the first Tuesday of the month (except January and December) in the Colonel Light Room, Adelaide Town Hall at no later than 7.00pm.
View the City Planning, Development and Business Affairs Committee Terms of Reference.
The City Finance and Governance Committee is established:
- To assist the Council in undertaking strategic planning and monitoring.
- To guide the development and regular review of Council’s Long Term Financial Plan, and each annual budget and corporate business plan in alignment with the long-term financial plan and relevant strategies and policies.
- To monitor the performance of Council’s financial and administrative activities, including undertaking the statutory quarterly budget review.
- To recommend to Council new or desired changes to its policies relating to financial and revenue matters, including budgets and rating.
- To undertake the review of Council’s policies and recommend any changes which are considered necessary.
- To identify any gaps in Council’s Governance and Policy framework and work with other Council committees to identify areas where policy support is required.
- To undertake the annual review of Council’s Delegations, Register and recommend any changes which are considered necessary.
- To monitor the City of Adelaide’s performance though the receipt of assurance reports on programs, projects and services.
- To monitor and report on the performance of Council owned subsidiaries, against their respective charters with which they have been established.
- To review as required relevant legislation affecting Local Government and recommend appropriate policy responses.
The City Finance and Governance Committee meets on the third Tuesday of the month (except January and December) in the Colonel Light Room, Adelaide Town Hall at 5.30pm.
View the City Finance and Governance Committee Terms of Reference.
The Infrastructure and Public Works Committee is established:
- To guide the development of an asset management policy framework for the City and make recommendations for consideration in forward financial estimates, and to deal with matters in respect of Council’s asset management programs.
- To oversee the regular evaluation of asset management and programs and the review of relevant service levels.
The Infrastructure and Public Works Committee meets on the third Tuesday of the month (except January and December) in the Colonel Light Room, Adelaide Town Hall at no later than 7.00pm.
View the Infrastructure and Public Works Committee Terms of Reference.
Other committees
Reconciliation Committee
The Reconciliation Committee works to advance reconciliation in the city and seek broad Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation in Council activities and events.
View the Reconciliation Committee Terms of Reference.
Audit and Risk Committee
The Audit and Risk Committee is a formally appointed committee of Council pursuant to section 41 of the Local Government Act 1999 (SA) (the Act) and performs the functions as stated in section 126 of the Act.
View the City of Adelaide Audit and Risk Committee Terms of Reference.
CEO Performance Review Panel
The CEO Performance Review Panel is a formally appointed committee of Council pursuant to section 41 of the Local Government Act 1999 (SA) (the Act) and is required as part of the CEO's Contract of Employment.
View the CEO Performance Review Panel Terms of Reference.
Chief Executive Officer Selection Panel
The Chief Executive Officer Selection Panel is a formally appointed committee of Council pursuant to section 41 of the Local Government Act 1999 (SA) (the Act) and its primary objective is to undertake appointment procedures as outlines under section 98 of the Act.
View the Chief Executive Officer Selection Panel Terms of Reference.
Council Assessment Panel
The Council Assessment Panel (CAP) is established under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 (PDI Act) and is a relevant authority in its own right. The CAP is generally the relevant authority for making decisions on performance assessed development applications that have been publicly notified, subject to delegations. Applications are assessed against the relevant provisions of the Planning and Design Code.
Council subsidiaries
Adelaide Central Market Authority
The Adelaide Central Market has been an icon in the city for 150 years and it is a key component of the City of Adelaide’s strategic vision for a vibrant economically prosperous city. It is supported by the Adelaide Central Market Authority (ACMA), which was established to build a solid and sustainable foundation for the Adelaide Central Market’s future.
Overseen by a six-member Board, the market’s mission is “To operate sustainably and successfully as a group of prosperous traders, Board and management team that provides a diverse and exciting cultural shopping experience that enhances our precinct, city and state”. ACMA is managed by a General Manager and a team of marketing and administrative specialists.
Adelaide Economic Development Agency
The City of Adelaide recognised the importance of accelerating economic growth in the city, and as part of its 2020-2024 Strategic Plan, sought to design and implement a new city-wide business model. This led to Council at its meeting on 6 October 2020 resolving to establish the new Adelaide Economic Development Agency (AEDA) (as a Section 42 Subsidiary of the City of Adelaide under the Local Government Act 1999 (SA) (the Act).
AEDA commenced operating on 18 January 2021 and is led by the Board which has responsibility to manage the business and other affairs of the subsidiary, ensuring that AEDA acts in accordance with the Act and the AEDA Charter. The Board is skills-based including expertise across hospitality, property development, place making, business development, investment, events and tourism. The Board consists of a Chairperson and up to 6 Board Members appointed by Council, the Lord Mayor of the day or an elected member nominated by the Lord Mayor and 1 Board Member being the representative from the Advisory Committee.
AEDA works closely with businesses, industry groups, State Government agencies and other relevant organisations to deliver a range of programs designed to stimulate the city’s economic growth. The focus will be on investment attraction, growing our visitor economy, residential growth, marketing the city as a whole and promoting Rundle Mall as Adelaide’s premier shopping destination.
Kadaltilla / Park Lands Authority
The Adelaide Park Lands are the crowning glory in Colonel William Light's design of the city of Adelaide - 900 hectares of Park Lands that hug the city and weave through the residential areas like a leafy figure of eight, creating the world's only city in a park. They are a place where residents and visitors alike go for recreation, relaxation and socialising, contributing to the health and wellbeing of those who use them.
The Adelaide Park Lands Authority (APLA) was established by the Adelaide Park Lands Act 2005 (SA) as a subsidiary of the City of Adelaide. It advises both Council, who manages 80 per cent of the Park Lands, and the State Government, who manage the remaining 20 per cent, on the protection, management, enhancement and promotion of the Park Lands.
In October 2021, the Minister approved a change to the APLA Charter so APLA would be known as Kadaltilla / Park Lands Authority.