Melbourne Street Improvement Works
Project status – Under way
Why are we doing this?
The City of Adelaide has received a $1m grant from the Government of South Australia to undertake main street improvement works and public realm and placemaking upgrades to revitalise Melbourne Street.
This work will be done before the wider implementation of Council’s Main Street Revitalisation master plan for Melbourne Street.
What are we doing?
Scoping works under way include:
- Exploring the option of installing suspended planter boxes/baskets to the City of Adelaide’s public light poles in the ‘village heart’ area of the street and the east and western entry ways. The suspended planters would further improve visual amenity and attractiveness of the street.
- Decorative lighting opportunities are being considered, including plans to facilitate under-veranda festoon lighting and tree bud lighting to some select trees.
- Investigating options to install vehicle count signage to draw awareness to the public of parking opportunities available at the nearby Dunn Street Car Park.
Works completed include:
- Temporary footpath extensions and installation of temporary parklets to provide opportunities for street activation and outdoor dining areas. This work has been completed.
- Planter boxes replaced and, in some instances, removed or placement re-configured, to improve accessibility and amenity. This work has improved the consistency of planter boxes along the street.
- Relocated existing and installed new street furniture such as seats, litter bins and bike racks.
- Entry statement banners installed on flagpoles at the Mann Terrace and Brougham Place ends of the street.
When are we doing it?
Temporary footpath extensions were installed in the area near the Lord Melbourne Hotel in February 2023.
Planter box and street furniture rationalisation works commenced in April 2024.
The remaining scope elements are planned to be completed by mid 2025.
Previous consultation
Learn more about consultation for this project on the Our Adelaide website.