City of Adelaide By-laws
By-laws are designed to provide good governance of the City of Adelaide area, and assist us to provide a convenient, safe, and comfortable space for our community. To support a vibrant and welcoming city to visit, live and work, By-laws enable us to manage the city’s public realm and certain activities on private land.
We pride our self with being responsive to the ever-changing needs of our community.
By-laws must be reviewed and made every seven years, however there is opportunity to review and make By-laws on a more frequent basis if required. As with any alteration to policy or law, public consultation outcomes will inform any changes so that we can continue to support a safe, inclusive, and vibrant city.
Current By-laws
To provide for a permit system, set penalties for breaches of by-laws, provide for certain matters pertaining to liability and evidence, set regulatory requirements, clarify the construction of Council’s by-laws and for related purposes.
To protect visual amenity and public safety on roads by setting standards for moveable signs and providing conditions for the design, construction and placement of such signs in a manner which recognises the advertising needs of businesses to maximise economic viability.
For the prevention and suppression of nuisances, obstructions and risks to public health by regulating and controlling the management of public places, kerbside removal of domestic, recyclable and green organic waste from premises, for regulating the management of Council property and otherwise for the good rule and government of the area and for the comfort, convenience and safety of its inhabitants.
To limit the number of dogs that can be kept on premises and to provide for the control and management of dogs in the Councils area.
By-laws as of 1 January 2025
In accordance with Section 249(7) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Corporation of the City of Adelaide gives notice of the making of the following By-laws at its meeting of 27 August 2024.
To provide for a permit system, to fix maximum penalties in Council by-laws, to clarify the construction of such by-laws, and to repeal certain by-laws.
To set standards for moveable signs on roads, to provide conditions for and the placement of such signs, to protect public safety and to protect or enhance the amenity of the area of the Council.
For the management and regulation of the use of and access to all land vested in or under the control of the Council including the prohibition and regulation of particular activities on local government land.
In accordance with Section 249(5) of the Local Government Act 1999, the above By-laws come into operation on 1 January 2025.
Copies of the By-laws can be downloaded above. Alternatively, copies are available for viewing during business hours at our Customer Centre, 25 Pirie Street, Adelaide.
Need more information?
If you have any questions about the By-laws, please contact our Customer Centre: