Adaptive Re-Use Forum

The Capital City Committee (CCC) is an intergovernmental body established under the City of Adelaide Act 1998 whose primary function is to enhance and promote the development of the City of Adelaide as the capital city of the state.
The CCC pursues a collaborative approach to city building that benefits all South Australians and is chaired by the Premier of South Australia. Committee members include state government ministers, the Lord Mayor of Adelaide and a number of City of Adelaide councillors.
Adaptive Re-Use Forum
The Capital City Committee Adaptive Re-Use Forum was held on 5 May 2023 in the Banqueting Room in the Adelaide Town Hall. The Forum discussion canvassed mechanisms and incentives to support property owners and developers seeking to increase the supply of housing by converting vacant offices, and above-retail spaces, in the CBD into residential accommodation. Discussion also investigated the willingness of key industry leaders to explore and utilise assets to generate housing (including affordable housing) to assist in revitalising the city.
Speakers and panelists
The Forum was presented and facilitated by Dr Tim Williams, Practice Leader, Cities, Grimshaw Global. The speakers and panelists included:
- The Hon. Peter Malinauskas MP, Premier of South Australia
- The Hon. Stephen Mullighan MP, Treasurer
- The Hon. Nick Champion MP, Minister for Housing and Urban Development and Minister for Planning
- The Right Hon., The Lord Mayor of Adelaide, Dr Jane Lomax-Smith AM
- Rosanne Haggerty - Founder of Common Ground Community; former Adelaide Thinker in residence
- Professor Emma Baker - Professor of Housing Research at the University of Adelaide; Deputy Director of the NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence in Healthy Housing
- Nathan Dal Bon - CEO National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation (NHFIC)
- Yaara Plaves - Hames Sharley (Architects).
Attendees included over 90 key CBD property owners, developers, builders, housing advocates, officers of government agencies, and members of academia.
Forum discussion
The Forum included a facilitated roundtable discussion where questions were asked on key themes:
- Can you see an opportunity to refit vacant or under-utilised buildings for housing?
- What are the problems and obstructions?
- Where are the low-hanging fruit?
- What would help?
- What would get you to tackle this issue?
2023 Capital City Committee Adaptive Reuse Forum
Watch the highlights of 2023 Capital City Committee Adaptive Reuse Forum below.
Further readings
- Armstrong, Gill & Wilkinson, Sara & Cilliers, Elizelle. (2021). Sustainable Temporary Adaptive Reuse for a COVID-19 Recovery and Resilient Cities Approach
- Armstrong, Gill. (2021). The Adaptive Reuse Predicament: An Investigation into Whether Building Regulation is A Key Barrier to Adaptive Reuse of Vacant Office Buildings
- Armstrong, Gill. (2017). Understanding Adaptive Reuse Diversity: Heritage, Brownfield Sites and Obsolete Buildings
- Armstrong, Gill. (2016). Reusing Rumours: A Review of Research Citing Barriers to Adaptive Reuse Stemming From Building Code
- Ness, David & Iannos, George. (2002). How the SA Government is Managing Earthquake Risks in a Cost-Effective Manner within the Context of Strategic Asset Management
- 1 September 2022 - The Advertiser’s Housing Forum hears city towers key to housing squeeze
- New York City – Office Adaptive Reuse Study January 2023
- 22 February 2021 - Shelter SA – Empty Homes – Vacant residential properties the City of Adelaide
- 28 April 2023 National Cabinet – Prime Minister Anthony Albanese – Transcript; Health; NDIS; Migration; Housing and rentals; Infrastructure; Skills and training; Voice to Parliament referendum
- 28 April 2023 - Billions to boost social and affordable rental homes
- 28 April 2023 - Towards a national approach to cities and regions
- 10 May 2023 - South Australia to take learnings from international architecture peak body
- City of Adelaide Committee – 7 June 2022 - Item 4.1 - McGregor Tan Research Outcomes
- City of Adelaide Committee – 14 August 2022 - Item 4.1 - McGregor Tan Research Outcomes
- Learn more about the successful adaptive reuse projects undertaken in the City of Adelaide.
Need more information?
For more information please contact the Capital City Committee Secretariat within Department of Premier and Cabinet: