Field Street streetscape upgrade

Project status – near completion

Field Street is now open

Why are we doing this?

Field Street is a key area in the Adelaide Central Market precinct.

This upgrade will address several issues including road surface, traffic flow and management, parking and cleanliness as well as making it greener through new trees and plants.

What are we doing?

The Field Street upgrade includes:

  • making street one-way for vehicle traffic
  • wider footpaths to allow for outdoor dining
  • planting of new trees
  • new loading zones
  • improved lighting

Field Street concept design

    What to expect during these works

    Field Street will be temporarily closed to vehicles for the majority of construction and driveways, laneways or properties off Field Street will not be able to be accessed by vehicle during this time.

    Pedestrian and cyclist access on Field Street will be maintained at all times. Signage will be in place to advise of dedicated access routes through the construction site, which will change as the works progress.

    Access for local businesses will be maintained, with advance notice provided if there is a need to temporarily restrict footpath/driveway access.

    Traffic management will be in place to ensure safe movement of people and vehicles during construction.

    Works will be undertaken during the day from 7:00 am until 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday.

    Project background

    This upgrade follows on from the Wright Court and Field Street Streetscape Upgrades consultation that was conducted in 2018 and 2020.

    The feedback we received through these consultations helped informed the street upgrade design. We also implemented one-way movement on Field Street, an important feature which will be kept as part of the upgrade.

    The upgrade was delayed due to the Covid pandemic.


    Mandarin translation

    Need more information?

    For enquiries or to register for project updates, get in touch with the Field Street engagement team using the following contact details: