02 Oct, 2020
Tell us what you’re thinking about the city in 2020
The 2020 Resident Survey and Business Insights Survey are now open with residents and business owners/operators in the City of Adelaide invited to take part.
COVID-19 has been challenging for many city businesses and residents. The feedback provided through these surveys will help to better target Council’s services and programs, advocate to other levels of government for the things our city needs and measure our progress against the City of Adelaide 2020-24 Strategic Plan.
The Business Insights Survey builds on Council’s previous engagements with the business community through the Business Support Survey in April/May this year and the engagement on the City Wide Business Model. We want to hear the views of businesses on topics such as Council services, business confidence, and environmental sustainability.
If you have a business in Adelaide or North Adelaide, you can participate in the survey. We would also like you to participate if you run your online business from the city.
The 2020 Resident Survey asks city residents for their views on topics ranging from health and wellbeing, and emergency preparedness, to access and inclusion, safety, and thoughts on Council services.
Lord Mayor Sandy Verschoor is looking forward to receiving the results of these surveys.
“We want to hear from our community about what’s most important to them so we can base our decisions on that information,” the Lord Mayor said.
“Both surveys build on the conversation about Council’s services started through consultation on the 2020-2021 Business Plan and Budget.
“We want to continue those conversations with the community to build on what we heard so that we can gather more detailed information.
“City of Adelaide surveys provide quality, local level data that tells the unique story of our city and your involvement makes this data the richest it can be.”
You can access the surveys from the YourSay Adelaide homepage.
The Resident Survey is open until Monday 2 November, with the Business Insights Survey closing on 18 October. Both offer a prize draw as an incentive to complete the survey. You must be over 18 to participate.