Pay by Plate city parking

Know your plate

Pay by plate is an easier, secure and more sustainable way to park in the City of Adelaide, all you need to know is your registration plate.

Our pay by plate ticket machines enable you to:

  • Easily swipe your credit card to pay
  • No need to display a printed ticket in your car.

Our pay by plate machines are also smaller and solar powered, meaning they're less invasive on street and also paperless!

Hear more about the great new features of our Pay by Plate ticket machines in the short video below.

    Provide your feedback

    We are always looking at ways to improve our service to the community, if you would like to provide feedback on the Pay by Plate ticket machines, please complete this short 5-minute survey. Your feedback will be taken on board by our team so we can continue to improve our service.

    Ticket Machine Upgrade Project

    On-street ticket machines will be upgraded across the City of Adelaide. A total of almost 300 machines will progressively be replaced across Adelaide CBD and North Adelaide.

    The new ticket machines were trialed in various locations from June 2023, with pilot machines rolled out in Hindmarsh Square in December 2023. Council used the learnings from the pilot rollout to fine tune the solution for the full rollout across the city.

    The main rollout commenced in February 2024 and is scheduled to be completed by the end of June 2024. The map below indicates the planned rollout across the city:

    Rollout AreaScheduled date
    Area 126 Feb – 1 Mar
    Area 229 Feb – 25 Mar
    Area 319 Mar – 29 Mar
    Area 425 Mar – 4 Apr
    Area 528 Mar – 10 Apr
    Area 63 Apr – 19 Apr
    Area 715 Apr – 24 Apr
    Area 817 Apr – 26 Apr
    Area 9 19 Apr – 2 May
    Area 1025 Apr – 9 May
    Area 112 May – 16 May
    Area 128 May – 22 May
    Area 1313 May – 29 May

      Pay by plate rollout areas
      Pay by plate rollout map


      Many of our existing ticket machines are quite old and reaching the end of their life. The technology of the new ticket machines is improved. They have new features and are more environmentally friendly.

      The ticket machines have a touch screen and users will be required to enter their vehicle’s registration plate number. The machine will issue an electronic ticket and not a physical, printed ticket. You can download an electronic receipt (e-receipt) of your payment by following the machine prompts.

      You can also pay using the ‘Virtual Ticket Machine’ on your phone by scanning the QR code on the ticket machine.

      Our step-by-step guide below walks you through how to Pay by Plate the next time your parking within the city.

      Yes. In addition to paying at the ticket machine, you can access the same features on your phone via the ‘Virtual Ticket Machine’. Scan the QR code on the machine and follow the prompts.

      Additionally, the Park Adelaide app can be used to see what parking is available and to pay for your stay. The Park Adelaide app is available from Google Play or the App Store.

      Some of the features of the new ticket machines include:

      • Easy to use with a simple touchscreen process
      • Pay by Plate technology
      • e-receipts sent directly to your email
      • Ability to extend your stay remotely using your phone and the e-receipt option
      • ‘Virtual Ticket Machine’ to make payment on your phone
      • Paperless and sustainable solar-powered technology
      • No need to return to your vehicle to display a physical ticket on your dashboard.

      Once you have completed your parking transaction at the ticket machine, you will be asked if you want an e-receipt. If you select “Yes, please’ there will be a couple of options:

      • Scan the QR code to load the receipt directly to your device, or
      • Note down the receipt code and go to ‘’.

      You can also choose to register your email address so that all future e-receipts for your registration plate number will be emailed directly to you.

      If you need a receipt after you have completed the transaction, you can return to the ticket machine and enter your registration plate again. You will then be presented with options to access your e-receipt.

      The old ticket machines printed out a physical, paper ticket that would be displayed in your vehicle. Parking and Information Officers were able to easily see that a payment had been made. Since the new ticket machines are paperless, Parking and Information Officers need to know your vehicle's registration plate number to see that your vehicle has an electronic ticket.

      No. Our Parking and Information Officers can see the details of all electronic tickets. They will match your vehicle’s registration plate number to your electronic ticket.

      If you receive an expiation and believe you had made a payment, please submit a request to review the expiation.

      Yes. If you return to the ticket machine and enter your vehicle registration plate number, you can check the remaining time on your ticket. If you need additional time, you can make an additional payment.

      Yes, you can make another payment at the ticket machine to extend your time. Please note you will only be able to park for the amount of time shown on the parking signs. After this time, you must move your vehicle out of the area. If you purchase additional time and park for longer than the time on the signs, you may receive an Expiation Notice.

      All existing machines will be replaced in a staged manner between February 2024 and June 2024 with a total of approximate 250 new machines being installed.

      The new solution is battery powered and multi carrier meaning if a telecommunication provider is unavailable it switches to another. This provides an incredibly high level of redundancy, however, should there be an issue, instructions directing users will be provided and if necessary, no payment would be required during the outage.

      All payments are completed with fully certified PCIDSS terminals and software solutions. In addition, personal data does not need to be entered to park however it can be supplied if you wish to be emailed your receipt. This data is encrypted immediately and is not accessible, even by Council.