13 Mar, 2023
Media statement – Police horses
The Lord Mayor opposed the as yet undefined but massive building and fencing project.
“We support SAPOL and love horses, but stabling, offices, equipment stores and high fences are not a suitable use for irreplaceable, diminishing Nationally Heritage-listed Park Lands,” said the Lord Mayor
“I simply do not believe that our gorgeous riot-trained SAPOL horses are so poorly trained they can’t cross Greenhill Road or walk up the footpath on Sir Donald Bradman Drive on their way to work from purpose-built facilities that don’t further encroach on our much needed and loved Park Lands. It is disingenuous to say that these highly trained horses can negotiate Port Road but not West Terrace.
“Nobody would try this in Central Park or Hyde Park.
“Mysteriously every assessment from this Government seems to find the best building sites are always in the Adelaide Park Lands.
“The Premier has repeatedly said it isn’t about free land and it is time for him to prove his support for our Park Lands and its Heritage status by buying land for SAPOL and saying no to this proposal.
“Their preferred location identified by the State Government will lock away much needed open space for the needs of growing populations in the city’s south west and from Wayville and Unley.
“The Premier is a fabulous fighter for our state and economy but should begin to think about our capital’s liveability now and in the medium to long term.
“Our city parks must not be regarded as free land for any project that crops up.”
For more information
Matt Halliwell