Key Biodiversity Area 5
Situated along the River Torrens / Karrawirra Pari near the Adelaide Zoo and Botanic Park in Mistletoe Park / Tainmuntilla (Park 11).
This area is a blend of terrestrial and riparian vegetation that has been restored to improve the health of the river corridor.
Situated along the River Torrens / Karrawirra Pari near the Adelaide Zoo and Botanic Park, the target ecological community for KBA 5 is Eucalyptus camaldulensis (River Red Gum) Woodland.
This community is commonly made up of River Red Gum overstorey, with some SA Blue Gum and scattered Drooping Sheoaks. Along the terraces and riverbanks, Silky Tea-tree and River Bottlebrush may be found, with in stream species such as Common Reed and Bulrush present in areas.
When visiting KBA 5, keep an eye and ear out for native birds, frogs, and the Grey-headed Flying-fox.
By protecting and enhancing this area, we can restore ecological processes and improve habitat, providing a healthier environment for all living organisms, including us humans.
Find out more about Biodiversity in Adelaide.
Key Biodiversity Area
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Situated along the River Torrens / Karrawirra Pari near the Adelaide Zoo and Botanic Park in Mistletoe Park / Tainmuntilla (Park 11).