06 Aug, 2015

Statement Regarding Recent Media Reports Relating to Dry Zone Fines

The content of this media release is over six months old and may no longer be current.

In relation to the articles and the report which stated that an individual accrued $60,000 in fines pertaining to Dry Zone Legislation, we would like to make it clear that Council plays no role in monitoring and policing Dry Zones and we most certainly do not issue expiations.

While there are many Dry Zones across the state, the report the article is based on states the fines were accumulated for Park Lands Alcohol breaches. Given the trial Park Lands Dry Zone came into effect on 22 December 2014 and the person referred to in the report unfortunately died in early 2015, it is clearly not possible for one individual to accrue $60,000 of fines in such a short period of time at the reported expiation amount of $220 per offence. To be clear, as stated in the above article, all but one of the expiations was accumulated over 17 years for dry zone offences in various dry zones across the State, not during the Park Lands trial dry area.

The dry area trial in the Park Lands, which has been in place for eight months, is just one part of an overall management plan involving a number of strategies and a range of services to manage the issues and ensure we have safe and responsible use of the Park Lands. This is a whole of government approach.

A number of other strategies have been implemented to ensure an appropriate service response to vulnerable people who may be impacted by the Dry Area.

This involves coordinated service delivery between social service providers, Police and Council so that a range of appropriate services are being offered to people while ensuring community safety. Police are actively patrolling and enforcing the dry area and referring individuals to services where necessary.

City of Adelaide encourages people to meet in and socialise in the Park Lands and the Dry Area does not stop this at all. It only stops people drinking in the Park lands between 8pm and 11am. The Dry Zone applies equally to all people using the Park Lands.

It’s important to note that the city’s streets and squares are 24 hour dry areas and have been since 2001.