03 July, 2014

Getting the balance right when it comes to parking

The content of this media release is over six months old and may no longer be current.

The two hour parking limits around Adelaide Oval on game days were put in place to address the demand for on-street parking and minimise the impact for nearby residents and businesses.

Given that it was likely that the entire area would become parked out for hours on end by people heading to the Oval, we’ve been trialling a parking plan.

These controls apply only within approximately 1.25 kilometres of Adelaide Oval and parking restrictions in the rest of North Adelaide remain unchanged. There is still longer term parking available in and around the North Adelaide business district.

However, we acknowledge that there are people in the area more directly impacted by events at the Oval, the Cathedral and its visitors being one. We have been talking to the Very Reverend Frank Nelson to discuss concerns relating to access and parking issues around the Cathedral on event days and are pleased to announce that the Stadium Management Authority have offered them 50 spaces in the Oval’s northern car park.

We are also listening to the concerns of traders in North Adelaide and how the parking controls may be impacting on businesses.

It has always been part of the plan to review the parking arrangements and make adjustments if needed, which may include modifying the restrictions in business areas. We are in the process of reviewing this now and a report is planned to come back to Council in August.

For more information

Media Relations