08 May, 2015

Clarification: Campers in the Park Lands

The content of this media release is over six months old and may no longer be current.

This morning The Advertiser published a story that council administration was investigating a 'wet-zone' in the park lands.

To clarify, Council is not currently investigating creating a 'wet zone' the park lands.

This was the statement provided to the journalist:

"The issues that led to Council successfully applying for a trial timed Dry Area in the Park Lands are complex and it is unlikely there is one simple solution. The trial timed Dry Area is just one component of an overall Park Lands Management Plan which has been developed by the Senior Officers Group (of which Council’s is represented by its Administration). Council has requested Administration to closely monitor the impact of the trial Dry Area in collaboration with the Senior Officers Group and will receive an interim evaluation report in June 2015 followed by a final evaluation report in September 2015. Collection and consideration of feedback from the public, service providers, and any other interested parties is a vital component of the evaluation reports. No recommendations will be formed by Administration or the Senior Officers Group for Council to consider until the final evaluation report and any submission made to Council offering potential solutions will be included in the final evaluation report."

Council will continue to work with Street To Home, Housing SA, Anglicare, SAPOL, and the Hutt Street Centre on this very complex issue.