24 Apr, 2018

ANZAC Day - Wednesday 25 April 2018 - Day of National Commemoration

The content of this media release is over six months old and may no longer be current.

Anzac Day is a day of special significance to all Australians, particularly for our serving military personnel and returned veterans. The Centenary of Anzac, being commemorated from 2014 to 2018, is an important period of national significance. For further information on the Anzac Centenary please see the website.

In accordance with Australian flag protocol, the Australian National Flag should be flown at half-mast on Wednesday, 25 April 2018, from dawn until noon in your locality, at which time the flag should be raised to the peak of the flag mast for the remainder of the day. This advice applies to buildings and establishments occupied by Australian Government departments and affiliated agencies. Other organisations are welcome to participate.

In accordance with flag protocol, all flags and ensigns at each flag station should be flown at half-mast. However, should it be the custom to fly the flags of other nations at your flag station, it would be appropriate to seek permission from the diplomatic representatives of that nation to half-mast their flag.

The financial and staffing implications arising from public holiday flag marshal duties are the responsibility of each organisation.

Information on flag protocol can be found at http://www.dpmc.gov.au/government/australian-national-flag/australian-national-flag-protocols.

Should you wish to hold an Anzac Day ceremony, the Department of Veterans’ Affairs provides an outline which includes information on flag protocol as part of the ceremony.

For more information