


See how to pay your City of Adelaide rates, and learn about how they are calculated, and what to do if you object to the valuation or are having trouble paying.

Local nuisance

Local nuisance


Local disturbances, or local nuisances affect your enjoyment of an area. Learn the different types of disturbances, what to do, and who to report the issue to.

Graffiti, unauthorised posters, and...

Graffiti, unauthorised posters, and flyers


Learn what constitutes graffiti and unauthorised posters and flyers (bill posting) and how you can report it to the City of Adelaide.

Pest & wild animal management

Pest & wild animal management


The City of Adelaide has compiled a guide to keeping your family and property safe from urban pests and feral animals. Learn when they can help you.

Home renovations

Home renovations


The City of Adelaide has created a quick guide to home renovation for properties within Adelaide City and North Adelaide including before, during and after.




The City of Adelaide is home to many gardens and green spaces for residents. Find out how you can get involved and contribute to developing a greener city environment.

Tenancy information schedule

Tenancy information schedule


Advising City of Adelaide details of your non-residential property in accordance with Section 168 of the Local Government Act 1999.

Noise in the city

Noise in the city


Noise is a natural part of city life. We’ve prepared tips on things to consider when moving to the city. We’ve also got a guide for when noise becomes an issue.

Searches - Section 7 & 187 Certific...

Searches - Section 7 & 187 Certificates


Information about Section 7 and 187 Certificates. These searches for properties within the City of Adelaide area can now be requested online.

Electrical safety around your prope...

Electrical safety around your property

Shocks or tingles could be a warning sign of a dangerous electrical fault at your property. Be familiar with these guidelines from SA Power Networks to keep you and your family safe.

Go Electric

Go Electric

Be part of a clean energy future by moving your home to all-electric. Heating, cooling, hot water, cooking, bicycles & cars – all-electric is healthy and clean to run.

Tree maintenance

Tree maintenance

City of Adelaide's Horticulture team maintain trees in streets, Park Lands and non-private property in Adelaide and North Adelaide.