Parking control alterations

On-street parking is a shared community asset, however, demand often exceeds supply, so council must manage it carefully to ensure fair and reasonable access.

This is done via a parking control alteration – a change in the parking conditions of an area. Parking control alterations may be temporary, or permanent. The aim is to minimise traffic congestion and ensure adequate traffic management and safety for all.

Temporary parking control

Activities within the City of Adelaide area are varied and complex. To facilitate a wide range of resident, business, and visitor needs, the City of Adelaide may temporarily change on-street parking controls by way of a Temporary Parking Control (TPC).

Examples of these activities include:

  • a removalist requiring access to a property or building so parking is temporarily changed or removed
  • events, where exclusive use of an area is required
  • work/construction zones where traffic flow needs to be managed.


Any person or business may lodge a Temporary Parking Control alteration request.


All parking control alteration requests need to comply with the Australian Road Rules and other relevant legislative requirements.

TPC applicants are encouraged to minimise the number of parking bays required, and the duration of the TPC, to minimise the impact on others.

The approval process

TPC changes will generally require the applicant to notify affected stakeholders of the change and its purpose. This may include ‘face to face’ door knocks, notification by letter, displaying of project drawings, or consultation letters outlining the proposal. Any community concerns arising from a TPC installation will be referred, in the first instance, to the applicant.


Fees are charged by parking space occupied per day. 

Use our fee calculator to estimate your fees before applying. 

Temporary Parking Control

Fee calculator

Ready to apply?

An application for a Temporary Parking Control can be easily made online. 

Before you start, please have the following handy as you will need to submit: 

  • A map or image detailing the location of the parking space(s) to be altered.
  • Evidence that any affected parties have been notified including local residents and businesses (e.g. letters or emails).
  • City of Adelaide job number or Event details for contractors to deliver work on behalf of the City of Adelaide.

    Apply for Temporary Parking Control Alteration

    Need more information?

    If you have any questions regarding Temporary Parking Controls, please contact us:

    Permanent parking control

    To assist with facilitating a wide range of resident, business and visitor needs, an application to permanently change on-street parking controls can be submitted to the City of Adelaide for investigation.


    All parking control alteration requests need to comply with the Australian Road Rules and other relevant legislative requirements.

    The approval process

    Once an application has been received, the City of Adelaide will undertake consultation regarding changes to parking controls.

    This is to ensure that relevant stakeholders (owners as well as occupiers) are included in the process and have an opportunity to provide feedback relating to permanent on-street parking changes.

    An application fee applies for Parking Control Alteration requests.

    Information on all City of Adelaide fees can be found in the Fees and Charges Schedule and will be quoted at the time of application based on information provided.

    Apply for Permanent Parking Control Alteration